Friday 13 August 2010


After negotiating a taxi to the nearest hotel. We found ourselves in the heart of Tijuana. 50 US dollars for a double room, t.v and shower which we were very pleased with. Then out of fear and with a general sense of wisdom we paid a young taxi driver 20 bucks to take us around on a whistle stop tour of TJ. Starting off in a real local Mexican restaurant we kicked things off with dos cerveza's and a wicked meal. We then hit a couple of bars and ended up in a very seedy part of town. The Koh San Road of Tijuana. The town was full of fat American guys with young Mexican women or bars full of rowdy drunk naval officers letting off some steam shall we say! I would not recommend TJ to you and won't be returning any time soon but still another great experience and glad we went!

Getting some fresh fruit in the morning from a street vendor. I put my Spanish to good use here and was surprised with how much I remembered after not studying much lately.

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