Monday 16 August 2010

Goodbye two skinny legs! (for now)

What a photo! What a moment. The last and final image you will see of this trip. Its easy to hide behind a fake smile but what you see here is legitimate. A snapshot of the joyful exuberance we felt as we saw the sign to Mexico! I wasn't emotional like I had predicted, just excited and eager to see Mexico. During the days in which I experienced those moments of total freedom and happiness on the bike I debated carrying on. I imagined what it would be like to just keep going. As if the road had no end. I imagined just saying to everyone. "Sorry I can't come home yet, I'm not done!" But I knew that it was time to come home, I knew I had achieved what I needed and I was content in the knowledge that I will hit the road again one day soon and next time I will go even further. After all when you think I did just cover 2033 miles in only 36 days! So where to next.........?

Joe and Ted I speak to you now for the future so you can look back in years to come and see what it is you achieved in the summer of 2010. Most people were in the office while the sun shone through their window maybe wishing they were somewhere else, maybe not. Some may have been lucky enough to take two weeks off and relax by the pool, others may have not. Some may have dreamed that one day they would go travelling and some may never actually live this dream. Too busy and caught up in the race to step out and make it happen. Joe you had an idea, a burning obsession to get on your bike and cycle across America. A short term goal that you set about making happen within 6 months of the dream manifesting in your head. You didn't think of the consequences, the money you didn't have, the career you haven't yet started or all of the other reasons you shouldn't have gone. You just knew that if you didn't go then while you had the chance, while your lungs were strong and your legs were working you may never have gone. So well done to you for doing what you wanted and reaching a goal which you could be proud of! Never stop making crazy dreams up in your head, never stop doing the things that make you happy and don't grow up without a battle!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations!
    and a really nice summing-up blog post too...
