Sunday 15 August 2010

Thanks Ted!

Thanks for the company Ted, the laughter, the jokes, the beers, the stories, sharing the food, sharing a tent, sharing underwear when I got desperate, thanks for the moaning, the incessant whining for public transport, thanks for being patient with my impatience, and being tolerant of my intolerance. Thanks for staying behind when I needed space and thanks for waiting ahead when it got dark, thanks for using my beard trimmer more than me, and thanks for letting me use your camera more than mine, thanks for swapping ipods when we got bored and telling stories to pass the time. Thanks for Canada day, thanks for Independence day, thanks for eating all those fat burgers with me so we could justify their consumption, thanks for feeling just as gross as me after those burgers, thanks for being the slowest one out of any campsite, and thanks for sharing the oatmeal, thanks for buying the jiffy pads which you used to half clean my cooking pans with, thanks for San Francisco, thanks for taking that shot! Thanks for all the memories of Canada to Mexico! Proud of you and so glad we did this trip together. We hit the Catalina Wine Mixer and we 'got 'r' dun!

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