Monday 9 August 2010

Greg and Gabrielle in huntington!

Another wonderful pair of hosts from Vegas and New York. This is Gabrielle and Greg. After meeting a fellow Englishmen called Frasier who was like me ditched by his buddy and walking the streets among a sea of people we decided there was no way on earth we were going to leave Huntington beach on a Friday night during the US Open Surf finals. So after showering on the beach and getting changed we set about trying to find a place to store our gear and potentially stay of course. So we cruised by this house just off main street in Huntington Beach. We stumbled across what appeared to be the perfect looking candiates. A group of young students enjoying a porch party. I popped my head over the white picket fence and inquired in an extremely polite english accent. "Hi guys we need a home, somewhere to leave our stuff so we can party here tonight". We shared stories, shared beers, threw around some vodka laced advice and wisdom and shared a great memory of Hunington Beach! They are both on their way to New York to start fresh, good luck guys!

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