Friday 6 August 2010

Hermosa beach!

Here is Ted catching a Friday night power nap, before we went out. Scientists say that a 15 minute power nap prior to a drinking session equates to an extra 45 minutes on any busy dance floor!

Another mellow day in SoCal we passed Santa Monica and Venice Beach to arrive in Hermosa Beach on a busy Friday Night. With the one and only hostel in this small beach town fully booked we locked our bikes up outside and sneaked into the hostel for a warm shower. We threw on some clothes, threw back 6 pear ciders and threw some shapes down on the dance floor of Sharkeez bar. 2 am grabbed my sleeping bag and in an almost military display of tactical timing and planning I crept passed the beach police to my usual sleeping grounds underneath the lifeguard hut. I stayed with Alex while Ted slept under the barnicle infested peer 300 metres away!

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