Saturday 7 August 2010

Blake's first AA meeting!

Now here is an image of the aftermath of Friday night in Hermosa Beach. Now although the image of Ted face down in the sand passed out and hung over is a funny one the star of this story is Blake. The story begins where it ended when at 8am on Saturday morning Blake found himself in an Alcholics Anonymous meeting being greeted as a newcomer. The events which led him here are even funnier. He was kicked out of the club at 11pm, walking the streets at midnight blind drunk and blacked out somewhere between the hours of 2 and 3am, He slept in a doorway and was woken by a homeless guy who deemed it necassary to take him to his first AA meeting! He got schooled by some of the best that morning. Sounds like he had an awesome Friday night! Cheers Blake you hilarious bastard! This really got me laughing!

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