Friday 13 August 2010

The border!

It took only 5 minutes to walk the 500 metres from USA to Tijuana. No passports were shown to anyone and I breezed straight on through. Unfortunately Ted the gringo was randomly spot checked but passed through with no trouble. Little did we know that it would take a lot longer than 5 minutes to cross back into the states the following day!

We finally made it. Two guys from London traveled by pedal power 2000 miles this summer from Vancouver to Mexico. 99% of the people we met told us not to enter Mexico. Warning us of the dangers of drug trafficking, gang war shootings and tourists being held hostage near the border. Some even warning that the policia would stop us at any time and simply demand cash from us. Cash we didn't have, but a sense of failure for not crossing the border and spending a night in Mexico would surely leave a sense of regret on both our consciences. So after 10 minutes of deliberation the decision we both always really knew surfaced and simultaneously we said "fuck it lets do it, lets do Mexico! We have come this far lets prove them wrong. Lets live it, experience it and hopefully survive it unscathed!

This is the chilling image we were first given as we arrived at the border of Mexico. Armed guards and possible drug traffickers or cartel gang members through the cast iron bars which if not now will one day surely become their home for many years. Or alternatively they could spend their last days in a mass grave decapitated sending a message to anyone else battling for the top spot. This photo taken only 1 mile to Tijuana, a place which only 3 years ago was a popular destination for many young Americans on spring break was a telling image of the very real and ongoing drug war happening in Mexico as the new President tries to stamp out all the drug cartels. I doubt he planned or imagined that by wiping out the big bosses that it would result in an all out civil war between young cats all desperate to gain dominance and become the head of the cartels he was so desperately trying to dissolve!

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