Monday 16 August 2010

Goodbye two skinny legs! (for now)

What a photo! What a moment. The last and final image you will see of this trip. Its easy to hide behind a fake smile but what you see here is legitimate. A snapshot of the joyful exuberance we felt as we saw the sign to Mexico! I wasn't emotional like I had predicted, just excited and eager to see Mexico. During the days in which I experienced those moments of total freedom and happiness on the bike I debated carrying on. I imagined what it would be like to just keep going. As if the road had no end. I imagined just saying to everyone. "Sorry I can't come home yet, I'm not done!" But I knew that it was time to come home, I knew I had achieved what I needed and I was content in the knowledge that I will hit the road again one day soon and next time I will go even further. After all when you think I did just cover 2033 miles in only 36 days! So where to next.........?

Joe and Ted I speak to you now for the future so you can look back in years to come and see what it is you achieved in the summer of 2010. Most people were in the office while the sun shone through their window maybe wishing they were somewhere else, maybe not. Some may have been lucky enough to take two weeks off and relax by the pool, others may have not. Some may have dreamed that one day they would go travelling and some may never actually live this dream. Too busy and caught up in the race to step out and make it happen. Joe you had an idea, a burning obsession to get on your bike and cycle across America. A short term goal that you set about making happen within 6 months of the dream manifesting in your head. You didn't think of the consequences, the money you didn't have, the career you haven't yet started or all of the other reasons you shouldn't have gone. You just knew that if you didn't go then while you had the chance, while your lungs were strong and your legs were working you may never have gone. So well done to you for doing what you wanted and reaching a goal which you could be proud of! Never stop making crazy dreams up in your head, never stop doing the things that make you happy and don't grow up without a battle!

Sunday 15 August 2010

The long way home!

Final statistics:

Trip date: June 28th- August 14th 2010
Total Miles: 2033
Average speed: 11.33mph
Total days cycling: 36
Total hours in saddle: 147.79 hrs
Total hours of sore ass: 14.79 hrs
Starting Body Weight: 70kg
Finishing body weight: 72kg
Punctures: 1
New chain: 1
New wheel: 1
Mexico to USA queue time: 3 hrs
Total spend: £2000

Thanks Ted!

Thanks for the company Ted, the laughter, the jokes, the beers, the stories, sharing the food, sharing a tent, sharing underwear when I got desperate, thanks for the moaning, the incessant whining for public transport, thanks for being patient with my impatience, and being tolerant of my intolerance. Thanks for staying behind when I needed space and thanks for waiting ahead when it got dark, thanks for using my beard trimmer more than me, and thanks for letting me use your camera more than mine, thanks for swapping ipods when we got bored and telling stories to pass the time. Thanks for Canada day, thanks for Independence day, thanks for eating all those fat burgers with me so we could justify their consumption, thanks for feeling just as gross as me after those burgers, thanks for being the slowest one out of any campsite, and thanks for sharing the oatmeal, thanks for buying the jiffy pads which you used to half clean my cooking pans with, thanks for San Francisco, thanks for taking that shot! Thanks for all the memories of Canada to Mexico! Proud of you and so glad we did this trip together. We hit the Catalina Wine Mixer and we 'got 'r' dun!

Saturday 14 August 2010

Hola de Mexico!

My first attempt at blogging in Spanish. Not perfect but those who speak spanish should get the idea. Things were really starting to get weird around here when every time Ted looked away my hat was growing in size each time! Believe it or not this hat actually started off about the size of a cow boy hat!

Dancing in Tijuana!

We really were in a whole new world crossing the border. You could throw a stone to the US its that close yet the difference in heat, smell, sounds and culture were so far away from the corporate America we had just left. The smiles on the faces of Mexicans were as warm and welcoming as the heat. The authentic music was a nice change from the hip hop beats of West coast rap. I took in as much as I could from this crazy busy border town knowing that one step down the wrong block I could find myself in the cross fire of a gang shootout. Two blocks in one direction and even the police wont go to the neighborhoods, 3 blocks in the other direction and it could be the police stopping us and rolling us for all our possessions. With this in mind we spent the morning exploring downtown then made our way back to the border to find a queue longer than the eye could see. 3 hours long to be precise in 35 degree heat!

Friday 13 August 2010


After negotiating a taxi to the nearest hotel. We found ourselves in the heart of Tijuana. 50 US dollars for a double room, t.v and shower which we were very pleased with. Then out of fear and with a general sense of wisdom we paid a young taxi driver 20 bucks to take us around on a whistle stop tour of TJ. Starting off in a real local Mexican restaurant we kicked things off with dos cerveza's and a wicked meal. We then hit a couple of bars and ended up in a very seedy part of town. The Koh San Road of Tijuana. The town was full of fat American guys with young Mexican women or bars full of rowdy drunk naval officers letting off some steam shall we say! I would not recommend TJ to you and won't be returning any time soon but still another great experience and glad we went!

Getting some fresh fruit in the morning from a street vendor. I put my Spanish to good use here and was surprised with how much I remembered after not studying much lately.

The border!

It took only 5 minutes to walk the 500 metres from USA to Tijuana. No passports were shown to anyone and I breezed straight on through. Unfortunately Ted the gringo was randomly spot checked but passed through with no trouble. Little did we know that it would take a lot longer than 5 minutes to cross back into the states the following day!

We finally made it. Two guys from London traveled by pedal power 2000 miles this summer from Vancouver to Mexico. 99% of the people we met told us not to enter Mexico. Warning us of the dangers of drug trafficking, gang war shootings and tourists being held hostage near the border. Some even warning that the policia would stop us at any time and simply demand cash from us. Cash we didn't have, but a sense of failure for not crossing the border and spending a night in Mexico would surely leave a sense of regret on both our consciences. So after 10 minutes of deliberation the decision we both always really knew surfaced and simultaneously we said "fuck it lets do it, lets do Mexico! We have come this far lets prove them wrong. Lets live it, experience it and hopefully survive it unscathed!

This is the chilling image we were first given as we arrived at the border of Mexico. Armed guards and possible drug traffickers or cartel gang members through the cast iron bars which if not now will one day surely become their home for many years. Or alternatively they could spend their last days in a mass grave decapitated sending a message to anyone else battling for the top spot. This photo taken only 1 mile to Tijuana, a place which only 3 years ago was a popular destination for many young Americans on spring break was a telling image of the very real and ongoing drug war happening in Mexico as the new President tries to stamp out all the drug cartels. I doubt he planned or imagined that by wiping out the big bosses that it would result in an all out civil war between young cats all desperate to gain dominance and become the head of the cartels he was so desperately trying to dissolve!

The 2 mile flat!

Almost at the finish line and whammy! A puncture. We look at eachother in disdain. The look in our eyes says it all. We begin to operate on the tire and as Ted hammers home the final PSi's into the tire. Baaaaaaaaaaaam, pop, the valve explodes. My heart sinks as I remember back to a week ago when in a desperate attempt to shed some weight Ted decided to throw away his old spare innertube. For 45 seconds I felt the sick you feel when you have just been kicked in the nuts. I thought we were going to have to hitch a ride back to town and pull the plug on reaching the border until the next day. Luckily to both our suprise he found the innertube we thought he had disposed of. So up and running, we continue south to the border crossing! The question is, "Do we ignore the constant advice against going into Tijuana for the night or do we retreat back like a pair of cowards into San Diego for our final night and closing party?".

To the border! La Jolla! Mission bay!

The final day on the bike from Cardiff to the border of Mexico was supposed to be 45 miles but due to us getting lost several times we ended up cycling for almost 5 hours and covering 55 miles. Fortunately the weather was awesome and the scenery just as spectacular!

10 miles to go!

My wing man!

With Two miles to go and the sun setting. I suddenly had a flash of memories play out in my mind like a montage accompanied with "your the best" playing. My whole trip being summarised in an instant. Landing in Vancouver, the first days on the bike along the lakes of BC, the long tough days through Oregon and the nights spent in a tent watching family guy on my Ipod with Ted. I don't have one bad memory of this man in the mirror. He was the best candidate for the job and got the job done. I would not have traded him for anyone at any point, even Lance Armstrong!

Thursday 12 August 2010

Dinner with Jimmy and Shortie!

A nice quiet meal with Jimmy and Shortie in a local Cardiff restaurant. We burnt half of the meal off walking back up the hill to their house and after thinking out loud "what does one do if he needs to fart right now?"I was granted permission from a qualified doctor and went on to let out a ripper which frightened the neighbours. Contacting Jimmy was one of the best decisions of my trip and I hope to one day host this lovely couple when they visit London! Jimmy is a budding entrepreneur and Shortie is on her way to becoming a doctor! Good luck to you both guys! x

Dog Tazer!

I don't know why or how I ended up agreeing to this. I wasn't even dared. Looking back I think it was I who challenged myself to a duel with electricity to the neck! The results are clear. Electric dog collars work and are well worth the investment. If I were nothing but a hound dog I certainly wouldn't be chasing any pussy if I had one of these round my neck!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Cow boys and girls!

I thought this guy was taking me for a ride when I asked him where we should go for a drink. He was the closest thing I have ever seen to a real cowboy. Rocking the cow boy boots, shirt tucked in with a bottle of beer hanging off his belt. He was chewing tobacco and spitting that shit all over the sidewalk. He talked like he was straight out of Texas and seemed oddly out of place in San Diego! I got to say though he taught me my first line dance which was a blast and unexpectedly easy to follow being in a line n'all!

Goodbye Montanan's!

Our final beer with the 2 wolves who we have looked out for almost 5 weeks now. Really sad to let these two guys go. Thanks for such good memories boys. Your both scholars and gentlemen and its been a fucking pleasure it really has. You will be remembered and talked about for years to come and I know we will meet again in the future. Montana won't know whats hit it or London! Blake I can get you to some meetings over in London. I got some people on the inside.

All you can eat hot dogs, padres game!

Tickets for the all you can eat seats were $29 each. This included popcorn, peanuts, unlimited hot dogs and cokes. Ted managed 4 hot dogs, 2 popcorns, 2 peanuts and 3 cokes. I had 3 hotdogs, 2 popcorns and 4 cokes. Money well spent and awesome seats as you can see!

Ted Wayne riding the bull!

Ted was clearly the stronger rider and started off like a pro. A natural some may say he rode that sucker hard and tamed her for a good 14 seconds until he got face smashed into the wall! Classic rodeo! Thanks for this pant wetting moment Ted!

Grabbing the bull by the horns!

After the match Ted and I said our last goodbye to the two Montanans and headed on the trolley over to Pacific Beach. It was a quiet Wednesday night and no where near as crazy as we were told it would be. Stumbling across Typhoon Lagoon on Wild West night we found ourselves riding mechanical bulls and line dancing! Yehaaaaaa!

San Diego Padres!

As if by magic I turned my camera on during the 6th innings of what was a relatively boring game of baseball. 5 minutes prior to this I said to Ted "imagine recording a clip and catching a home run on tape". Then bam, whammmy out of no where this happened!

Tuesday 10 August 2010

American Muscle!

The perfect Cardiff sunset!

More Surfing with Jimmy!

Here I stand 5ft 10" next to the 9ft 4" custom built Bill Hamilton long board!

Go Jimmy Ride that bitch!

Sunset surfing with Jimmy!

Jimmy and I with our longboards!

Sunset surfing!

Luckily Jimmy has about 4 surf boards so he took me down for a quick surf before sunset. The sky was looking crazy!

Cardiff By The Sea..!

After contacting my buddy Jesse from Toronto I was given the number to his best friend Jimmy. He lives with his wife Shortie just on the hill overlooking the ocean. A stunning house, and a great guy who swears like an absolute mo fo. Letting us shower and do our laundry, feeding us, taking us surfing and he even took us around the local bars for a few drinks. Had a wicked time with him and a great memory of Cardiff. Thanks Jesse, thanks Jimmy and thanks Shortie Blitz.

Monday 9 August 2010

Impromptu Tap Dancing!

Forest the dogg!

Saying goodbye to Justin's dog, Forest. The coolest most bad ass beer drinking, bottle top eating, gentle giant!

The hills!

Greg and Gabrielle in huntington!

Another wonderful pair of hosts from Vegas and New York. This is Gabrielle and Greg. After meeting a fellow Englishmen called Frasier who was like me ditched by his buddy and walking the streets among a sea of people we decided there was no way on earth we were going to leave Huntington beach on a Friday night during the US Open Surf finals. So after showering on the beach and getting changed we set about trying to find a place to store our gear and potentially stay of course. So we cruised by this house just off main street in Huntington Beach. We stumbled across what appeared to be the perfect looking candiates. A group of young students enjoying a porch party. I popped my head over the white picket fence and inquired in an extremely polite english accent. "Hi guys we need a home, somewhere to leave our stuff so we can party here tonight". We shared stories, shared beers, threw around some vodka laced advice and wisdom and shared a great memory of Hunington Beach! They are both on their way to New York to start fresh, good luck guys!

Laguna beach sunset!

Is it just me or is this the coolest cat you have ever seen? Ted with long hair and stubble is rocking it big time! Ted don't shave and don't cut it. Clean shaven is for the office!

Laguna beach!

When I see these signs I have a mixture of feelings. I feel excitement for what lies ahead and the expectations of how I think a town will look or feel. I feel pride in each mile and each hour I cycle knowing that very few people will ever challenge themselves to do something like this. Then this happiness and excitement is some times coated in a sadness that this amazing adventure is coming to an end. "you can't stop this train". This is it. This is the trip, its happening and its all I wanted it to be and more!

Here we are in Laguna Beach, the Hills. We stopped to enjoy the sunset and rode out! I was high on life in this photo. Some amazing scenery, listening to Dave Matthews Band, watching the world go by and being the world by gone. Cycling along this stretch of coast has become effortless. All those miles climbing the rugged coast has finally culminated into a cruise of laid back happiness. My day job is cycling and my profession is experiencing new things. A new town every day, new people new faces and smiles! If only life was always as simple and stress free as this!

Sunday 8 August 2010

Bmx Pro finals!

This young kid was 15 years old and did his first backflip at the age of 9. This was the crowds favourite run and he was robbbed of 1st place by Ryan Niquist! Its insane how huge these tricks are and I enjoyed it much more than the skateboarding finals. The winner won $25,000 so this 45 second set was an all out attempt to win some serious cash. I still think he should have won! Maybe next year!

California gurls!

For all you Katy Perry fans out there. I think this is what she and Snoop Dogg are singing about! A word of wisdom for all you guys looking to road trip the states. Yes its a given Southern California is the home of the hot American bimbo but believe me they are dumb as fuck and annoying as hell! Rarely do they know where they are in the States and who is their president! Its almost cool to be stupid over here!

Saturday 7 August 2010

Napoleon Dynamite and the Guido!

I am still not sure if this guy was drunk, or high, busking or just fully retarded but he was cutting some mad shapes on the sidewalk. Some people dropped him some dollar bills but it seemed as though the kid just loved to dance and the audience loved him for it. No one knows what he was listening to but i'd say a good guess would be "girls just wanna have fun" by Cindy Lauper! The douche bag guido tried to steal this kid's limelight more than once and failed miserably like the needle dick that he was!

Frasier the rower!

Frasier the fellow 7ft British Rower from Cobham. He was on a road trip with his buddy who peaced out and left him in Huntington. I met him on the street and could see he was a good guy like me looking to rip it up so I stuck with him and we agreed to be a 2 man wolf pack for the night! 1 became 2 as we stayed in Huntington for Saturday and Sunday night!