Tuesday 6 July 2010

Second longest ride of my life!

Today we out rode even ourselves. After 71 gruelling miles yesterday we were faced with a decision. Smash out over 82.83 miles to reach the coast and a comfortable campsite or half the ride distance and hope to stealth camp in the woods with little to no food rations. Let me try to explain what it feels like to cycle 82.83 miles in 30 degree heat. In a car this would take 1 hour. Now imagine cycling up and down hills at an average speed of 12.2mph for 6 hours and 44 minutes. Then imagine doing that with two 15kg bags of sand attached to each wheel. Now having the weight on flats or downhills is great because it increases momentum but the moment you hit an incline its like dragging a car tyre on a rope along the ground behind you. Every single rotation is an effort. No matter what gear you are in you feel it. A deep burn so painful you feel numb. Now after about 60 miles of this you enter a state of what I call cycling delirium where everything slows down. I look at my legs and question what is driving them. Its like autopilot. I don't think and eventually you don't feel anything. You feel empty and hollow and then I find myself becoming hyper sensitive. A line in a song or a thought of happiness can suddenly overwhelm me and make we want to cry. I don't of course. I bite it. I hold it back and laugh at how ridiculous it is. I look over my shoulder as the sun sets and see SUPERTED grinding it out only 50 metres behind me. I instantly feel a pride and admiration for him so great that the tears start making there way up again. It becomes humourous to me. I laugh again. Sorry tear ducts. Not this time. I shall save those tears for the mountains!

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