Thursday 22 July 2010

My thought of the day!

When my ipod dies and Ted and I have small talked for the morning ride. Late afternoon when the sun is beginning to set I find myself getting all philosophical on myself. I really go deep on my self. Like lightbulb Edison deep for about an hour a day! I convince myself that I am a great thinker. One of the great modern day thinkers of my time. Of course I am totally deluded and am none the wiser but I have a thought I would like to share. A backpacker in Thailand once said to me that everyone at some point in life is running away from something and that people who are running away are cowards. Well maybe this has some truth in it but there is nothing wrong with running away if what your running towards brings you so much happiness. Today I am happy. Today I am content. I have nothing but my 2 wheels and my 2 skinny legs driving me onto new experiences! So here I stand proud to be a coward, brave enough to challenge the boundaries and totally void of any true wisdom!

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