Thursday 15 July 2010

Floating tents!

As a relative newcomer to the world of touring bicycles I have grown a weird obsession with the two wheeled machine. I methodically eye up my opponents rides and and almost voyeuristically inspect their gear when they are not looking. I was both stunned and baffled when I came across this tandem recumbent bicycle in a camp site. I stared at this strange contraption for well over 5 minutes. I could not and still cannot to this day fathom nor begin to understand the mechanics of it. It was custom built in Germany and an old couple are battling in what can only be described as a tug of war of a ride across America.

Imagine rolling into Crescent City, California at 10pm with no campsite for another 10 miles. What do you do? Do you continue on, fork out 100 bucks for a nice warm motel or do you stealth camp amongst the trees in a nice open public field. We took option 3. A nice rolling bank and a row of trees kept us adequately hidden from the public eye. Everything was go swimmingly well until 1am when a sudden blast of water swung by my tent. "oh shit, it must be a ranger or a cop trying to wake us up and move us on". So I open my tent door and pop my head out like an alarmed gopher to investigate. What are the chances? We have plotted up on a field with 20 high powered sprinklers blasting ice cold water all over our tents. As I refocus my vision I see a half naked Simon the crazy French bastard running towards a jet and diving on top of it like a lunatic desperately trying to cover it with pots, pans and eventually some socks. So anyway assured it would stop after an hour we all went back to sleep. 3 hours pass by and suddenly i'm taking on water. I'm talking women and children first, there's not enough life boats by half kind of water. Our tents were literally floating on 3 inches of water. The sprinklers had burst and had flooded the small valley we were so happily sleeping on. So 24 hour denny's all you can eat pancakes for $4, yes please I'll take that!

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