Saturday 31 July 2010


Crawling around town for a few hours, shooting some pool, eating some ice-cream and attempting to have a Saturday night out on the town, we realised it was 11pm, there was no party to be had and yet again we had no where to sleep. We used to see this as a problem, the only real worry in our stress free days but now we see it as a challenge. As the towns gradually increase to become concrete urban jungles, like the orangutan we adapt to our surroundings. We become smarter, sneakier and more bold with our attempts to free camp. So here we are after creeping into a back yard we found a deluxe sized trampoline. We had our wicked way with it and creeped out as the sun rose!

Pismo beach!

Finally we reach what is considered the start of Southern California. A small tourist town with a few bars, a cool beach and the warm California sunshine which we have been chasing for almost 1600 miles!

San Luis Obismo!

This was one my favourite days riding. With the sun shining and Bob Marley and the Wailers playing I was content and happy covering the 50.35 miles from San Simeon. The music bringing back great childhood memories of my old man Gary Marley.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Skinny Leggins!

The miles are flying by now. The signs for L.A are a reminder of just how far we have travelled from Vancouver in only 4 weeks!

These skinny legs are stronger than they look. I'm starting to develop muscle growth on the road to muscularity!

Only cycled 43.7 miles today but the hills and winding roads along the cliffs made us arrive again late into the evening!


Cycling the BIG SUR!

The Big Sur was a challenging days ride with some serious climbs but the vistas over the ocean were unreal. We cycled the famous "17 mile drive", a road surrounded by perfect beaches, PGA World Tour golf courses and multi-million dollar mansions. We were also lucky enough to spot two humpback whales along the route!

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Hooray 1389 miles covered!

Its crazy how fast this trip is going and how much ground we have covered in such a short time. I love moving forward but I am also sad to see the end is nearing! Next stop Big Sur and San Simeon!

Cannery Row!

Message home attempt 2!

Message home attempt one!

Morning in Monterey!

Park Bench Bums!

Here we are after rolling out of the karaoke bar at 3am on a park bench. No campsite, no choice! A low point some might say but for me the 3 or so hours I slept here looking at the stars was a peaceful and pleasent time and I slept like a baby. I flash bulbed the shit out of Ted about 30 times during this little photo shoot out! Oh did we laugh!

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Cycling into Monterey we travelled through hundreds of acres of strawberry fields. We had a ridiuclously strong headwind this day but the smell of strawberries made it that little bit sweeter. And yes we did steal some along the way!

Paradise beach just south of Santa Cruz!

I put myself through a lot of bloody pain for this stupid photo. I was sitting on a knife edge and it felt like a steel envelope was being sent right up my ass crack!

One of my favourite grocery stores, in name but also produce! Really nice food and its cheap too!

Murdering the dancefloor! A duet!

After showing some balls and setting the trend with my solo attempt on the microphone I propositioned Ted to join me in a duet. Reluctantly he agreed and nervously he waited. Seeing the fear and social anxiety on his face was absolutely hilarious to me. He really was freaking out but credit to him because he got up and went all out even throwing in some spins and working the stage like Barry Manilow!

Monterey! Stone Sober Karaoke!

After a 53 mile ride south with a brutally incessant headwind we arrived in Monterey. On first impressions I would say it is the coolest little beach town so far. We were hooked up with a free meal when we arrived at a British Pub called the London Bridge on Fisherman's Wharf. Unable to beg a free nights stay in the landlord's back yard we set about town trying to find some houses with a nice lawn to knock on. We were offered a place to stay from a very extrovert hippy called Bob, a man clearly stuck in the 60's and totally messed up from a lifetime of experimental drug use. Upon arriving at his house we were swiftly told to clear off by his son. So 9pm out on our asses with no campsite in sight we threw on some jeans, locked our bicycles outside another pub called the Britannia and stepped inside to weigh up our options. 30 minutes and 4 pints of coke later I was stone cold sober and up on stage singing solo! Awful singing, great night out, yet again we take the party to these pathetically small and quiet tourist towns!

Monday 26 July 2010

Santa Cruz-in!

Here we are just arrived in Santa Cruz. Staying in the back yard of 'Aunt Bethy'. A complete stranger and a wonderful host. Left fresh orange juice and oatmeal out for us in the morning. We spent a night here and explored downtown. Yet again no night life. So it was a wish on the Zoltar to be BIG. But I only ended up being a BIG KID again as we rode the big dipper on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!

Big dippin!

Here we are riding the 86 year old bone rattling Big Dipper, the 6th oldest rollercoaster in the states. An icon of the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and an awesome ride! Luck was on our side as we arrived on a Monday which is $1 ride night. Two goes on this, Guilty!

Sunday 25 July 2010

Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars

Ted and I were out together last night dancing and this song came out of no where and struck me like a lighting bolt. Its an instant club banging feel good tuuuuuuuune! Be warned you will want to listen to it over and over again!

Downhill in downtown!

Yet again I underestimated the gradient and speed of rolling down this hill with one arm on the handlebars. Note to self: buy a tripod, stop trying to cycle and make video clips on ridiculously steep descents! Its been an exciting yet expensive couple of days in the city mainly due to the fact I had to spend $200 on a new rear touring wheel. Nice to meet you San Francisco, next stop Santa Cruz!

San Frantastic!

A snap shot of San Francisco. I have just spent the morning cycling around this extremely diverse city. Here is a photo from the Haight, a trendy area full of cafes, bars, hippies and retro boutiques.
The Castro is the gay epicentre of the city. There are more gays here than you can throw a stick at. What does that even mean anyway? When have people ever thrown sticks at people or things in abundance? Its full of big gay guys with little gay dogs. Men walk around in black leather thongs and moustaches. Bare bottom bum bandits at bustops walking little pooches along the street. They are beyond proud, they are beyond gay, expressing themselves in the queerest possible way!

More of San Francisco!

Friday 23 July 2010

The Golden Gate Bridge Boys!

An amazing bridge between what is now part two of the adventure. 1215 miles done so far. This bridge is 1.7 miles long and is more spectacular than I ever imagined. I thought I would be more emotional than I was reaching this bridge.Instead I just smiled and embraced every moment of it. All 5 of us staying in a great guys house from warm shower (a couchsurfers for cyclists). Weekend in San Francisco. Yes please!

The Golden Gate Bridge!

A camp site domestic!

A nice easy 43 miles today, rolled into Samuel P. Taylor state park after dark to find a packed out hiker/biker site. Luckily a really friendly guy invited me and Simon to pitch up on his site. He was with his wife, two children, 9 month old baby and this 6 month old dog aptly named Sequoia. I camped at the base of three hollowed out giant redwood trees. It was unreal laying on my bed looking up at them towering over me. I was sleeping like a child in the womb. It was 1am. It was silent. It was pitch black. Suddenly I hear the wife shouting at the top of her voice. Running away, screaming, crying, irratically swearing, "you jerk, you fu##ing loser if you smoke pot again and get high I am gonna send you to jail you jerk". You could cut the tension with a knife. So after half an hour of her screaming at her husband a police officer arrives on the scene. "whats going on here sir? whats with the disturbance?" The husband replies, "look officer I've had a few beers, I took the dog for a walk and I met a couple of guys. I smoked some pot with them. I got high. I came back and my girlfriend starts freaking out. She thinks I have been off hooking up with some chicks. She's paranoid and crazy". The woman turns to her children and says "I'm sorry I'm so sorry babies. I'm sorry your dad is such a loser". I am sure that is the last time this poor guy will take an innocent stroll through the woods at night for an innocent little smoke!

Thursday 22 July 2010

A flash back to Canada Day July 1st!

Here is the human flag outside the parliament gardens in Downtown Victoria. If you look closely you can see me in the bottom left corner of white adjacent to the red strip. I ran back to my hostel and threw on a spanking new white T for this gimmick of a photo. I hope it was worth it. Where's wally? First to spot me wins a prize!

Here is another odd photo of a bike we saw made out of 100 % lanolin like lambs wool! A comfy ride or a cosy cat nap inducer?

My thought of the day!

When my ipod dies and Ted and I have small talked for the morning ride. Late afternoon when the sun is beginning to set I find myself getting all philosophical on myself. I really go deep on my self. Like lightbulb Edison deep for about an hour a day! I convince myself that I am a great thinker. One of the great modern day thinkers of my time. Of course I am totally deluded and am none the wiser but I have a thought I would like to share. A backpacker in Thailand once said to me that everyone at some point in life is running away from something and that people who are running away are cowards. Well maybe this has some truth in it but there is nothing wrong with running away if what your running towards brings you so much happiness. Today I am happy. Today I am content. I have nothing but my 2 wheels and my 2 skinny legs driving me onto new experiences! So here I stand proud to be a coward, brave enough to challenge the boundaries and totally void of any true wisdom!

West Coasting!

The wolfpack has become 3 for three days. The boys from Montana are following up behind us for a weekend in San Francisco where yet again 5 lone wolves will rejoin to become one pack. Tommorrow we are riding across the Golden Gate Bridge! It is something I have always wanted to do. Very excited, almost as excited as the time I wet my pants at the roller disco!

The coastline changes dramatically from day to day. Its one of the most amazing things about bicycle touring. Each day you wake you don't know what to expect and you will always be suprised with what you see. I don't miss anything. I see it, I admire it, I smell it, I feel the terrain, I breath it and most importantly I remember it. I dare you to take your bike and tent and hit the road one day. No matter how short or long a trip, you will not regret it. I defy any man who does! You will feel more alive and proud of yourself than you could ever feel laying on the beach in the Costa del Sol. Whether it be cycling 200 miles back to a childhood family holiday spot in Cornwall or a 2000 mile adventure into the unknown you will have the time of your life. I hereby stand by and vouch for bicycle touring as the future of travel! Be brave, Try something new. Do something extraordinary!

Wednesday 21 July 2010

A screaming descent!

There is no greater enjoyment for me than that of a screaming descent after a steep climb. Whether it be 500 metres or 5 miles it is about as exciting for me as your first ride on the big wheel at a fun fair. Its both scary and thrilling and your forced to always ask yourself the same question "I hope these pikey's tightend the bolts up on this wheel". Foolishly I have got myself into a somewhat dangerous and competitive game with none other than myself. Its called "go on Joe break your speed record". Currently my max speed on this trip is 42.6mph. As of late though I am slightly more cautious because like the pikey's I don't trust my wheel one bit. The rear axle has got 'kink right i'nt middle' and three spokes are missing. If your ever rolling downhill on a bicycle you should try screaming weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Its wonderful!

The hills of California!

The road took us off the Highway 101 and onto Route 1 for a couple of hundred miles. A stunning scenic coastal road which is truly breathtaking. Not only the vistas but the relentless rolling hills and hair pin climbs are a sure fire way to leave you panting. To be honest I enjoy the climbs and even more disturbingly I enjoy the pain. I see a hill in the distance and I size it up, I make sure I have a banging tune on my Ipod and then I hit it. Knowing that once I reach the crest of that hill I am forever a stronger man and I am rewarded with a panoramic view and a descent which makes me instantly forget about the climb and the pain I have just endured. Its like when your kicked in balls as a kid, you know the pain is awful and you think it will never stop but there is no greater feeling than when the pain goes away. We covered 96 miles this day and yet again found ourselves riding into the dark. Something which we swore we would never do again!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

The Avenue of Giants

1000 miles done!

Here we are just reached our first milestone. Halfway there, 1000 miles. British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and now currently crusing down the California Coastline. The ride has been tough and challenging at times. My emotions are as up and down as the coastal highway 101 but with the Pacific Ocean on my shoulder, the sun on my back and the wind on my side its easy to keep going. What a trip so far. I look forward to taking my foot off the pedal as we slow down and take it easy from San Francisco down to Mexico!