Sunday 20 June 2010

A blog begins!

Only a week to go now! Monday June 28th when everyone begins the working week in the office I shall board a flight to Vancouver with two wheels and two skinny legs. Accompanying me on this trip is my good friend Ted who like me has ridiculously skinny legs. He is a man who goes by the nickname of Superted, quite ironic considering the fact that I single handedly carried him through 3 years of Uni to gain his degree. However despite he's constant laziness and lack of organization I feel fortunate to have him along for the ride and also optimistic in his potential to prove all of the cynics, including me wrong!

I have asked myself recently whether my decision to do this is determined by chance or whim rather than by necessity or reason and to be honest I cant quite answer that question. I cant explain what motivates me or why I feel the need to challenge myself in this way but when the wanderlust of travel and adventure reaches me its an itch I struggle to ignore.

One thing I do Know about myself is that as my 25th birthday approaches I feel I am about to embark on a trip which will define me and my mid 20's. Only 6 weeks and 2000 miles in the saddle will tell! Only the road will decide and only my two skinny legs can get me there!

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