Wednesday 30 June 2010

Fast Food Nation!

Day one in Vancouver, 40 miles in the saddle. Rode hard to catch a ferry at 3pm to Vancouver Island. Missing it was inevitable but my Dad once said," If you're gonna miss the bus, then miss it running". We missed the boat! Hunger is a long distance cyclist's bastard mother in law. You don't want to know it and will do anything to avoid it. Sadly its a fast food nation here and we are finding it is cheaper to eat a Wendy's Baconator or a Denny's pork power bar than it is to cook on a camp fire! Calories, Guilty or guilty carlories?

Ferry to Vancouver Island!

Friday 25 June 2010

The fully loaded touring bicycle!

Here she stands nameless, black and noble of steed. With 600 miles under her belt across Spain in 2009 I feel confident that she will last the distance. Weighing in at around 30kg I hope to be hauling ass along Pacific Highway 101.

Sunday 20 June 2010

A blog begins!

Only a week to go now! Monday June 28th when everyone begins the working week in the office I shall board a flight to Vancouver with two wheels and two skinny legs. Accompanying me on this trip is my good friend Ted who like me has ridiculously skinny legs. He is a man who goes by the nickname of Superted, quite ironic considering the fact that I single handedly carried him through 3 years of Uni to gain his degree. However despite he's constant laziness and lack of organization I feel fortunate to have him along for the ride and also optimistic in his potential to prove all of the cynics, including me wrong!

I have asked myself recently whether my decision to do this is determined by chance or whim rather than by necessity or reason and to be honest I cant quite answer that question. I cant explain what motivates me or why I feel the need to challenge myself in this way but when the wanderlust of travel and adventure reaches me its an itch I struggle to ignore.

One thing I do Know about myself is that as my 25th birthday approaches I feel I am about to embark on a trip which will define me and my mid 20's. Only 6 weeks and 2000 miles in the saddle will tell! Only the road will decide and only my two skinny legs can get me there!